
Caragh Medlicott

Caragh Medlicott is a freelance writer and interim Editor of Wales Arts Review. After graduating with a First-Class Honours degree in English Literature and an MA in Creative Writing from Cardiff University she began a full-time writing career in Wales. She is the author of several published short stories and was shortlisted for the Lunate 500 award in December 2020, and a finalist in Narrative’s 30 Below competition in 2021. She is a regular contributor to BBC Wales' The Review Show.


Articles by Caragh Medlicott

Can AI be truly creative? image
4 mins

AI Creativity Featured

Can AI be truly creative?

As recently as a few years ago, questioning whether or not AI can be creative would have felt…

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How to find focus in a busy world image
4 mins

Ayoa Productivity

How to find focus in a busy world

In our busy, overstimulated world, finding focus can be a huge challenge. In fact, given the rise of…

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What is Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) –  and what does it mean for our future? image
4 mins

AI Creativity

What is Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) – and what does it mean for our future?

Most of us now know that “AI” refers to artificial intelligence. Over the last few years, an increasing…

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How will AI transform education for neurodiverse students? image
4 mins

AI Ayoa Neurodiversity

How will AI transform education for neurodiverse students?

Every classroom across the world has one thing in common: variety. Wherever there is a group of students,…

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Are you a busy fool?  5 ways to work smarter, not harder image
5 mins

Featured Productivity Quick Tips

Are you a busy fool? 5 ways to work smarter, not harder

Work in the modern landscape is complicated. While technology has made so many things easier, it has also…

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The role of the subconscious mind in creativity image
4 mins

Ayoa Creativity Featured

The role of the subconscious mind in creativity

Creativity can be a slippery thing, but there’s no denying its importance in society. In fact, many would…

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How to create micro-habits in order to reach macro goals image
4 mins

Featured Lifestyle Success

How to create micro-habits in order to reach macro goals

When it comes to our daily lives, we like to believe that we’re in control. That we’re making conscious choices and thus shaping the events and outcomes which follow. It’s natural that we want to feel this way – to see ourselves as masters of our own lives is empowering. But unfortunately, it’s rarely entirely true.

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Five ways to combat groupthink while working remotely image
3 mins

Mind Mapping Quick Tips Success

Five ways to combat groupthink while working remotely

Groupthink has long been a challenge for teams looking to be creative. The term refers to a psychological…

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National Stress Awareness Day: Finding New Ways To Cope image
3 mins

Mental Health

National Stress Awareness Day: Finding New Ways To Cope

Stress is an unavoidable part of human life. All of us, at some point or other, will experience…

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Student Services – Discover Those Which Can Support You image
4 mins

Neurodiversity Students

Student Services – Discover Those Which Can Support You

Being a student is a unique and wonderful experience, but it also comes with a lot of pressure….

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Top societies for neurodivergent students image
< 1 mins

Neurodiversity Students

Top societies for neurodivergent students

Autumn is well underway, and we’re officially back into the thick of the academic season. With the chaos…

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How to begin the conversation about dyslexia in school: a teacher’s guide and resources image
6 mins

Education and Learning Neurodiversity

How to begin the conversation about dyslexia in school: a teacher’s guide and resources

It goes without saying that all educators want to support learners in the classroom. Teaching requires serious skill;…

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