
Caragh Medlicott

Caragh Medlicott is a freelance writer and interim Editor of Wales Arts Review. After graduating with a First-Class Honours degree in English Literature and an MA in Creative Writing from Cardiff University she began a full-time writing career in Wales. She is the author of several published short stories and was shortlisted for the Lunate 500 award in December 2020, and a finalist in Narrative’s 30 Below competition in 2021. She is a regular contributor to BBC Wales' The Review Show.


Articles by Caragh Medlicott

​​The keys to creative marketing image
4 mins

Quick Tips

​​The keys to creative marketing

Marketing has always been a creative industry, but with more voices than ever vying for customer attention, innovation has become the number one ingredient when it comes to standing out from the crowd.

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Remote working jobs: how to make sure they live up to their promises image
3 mins

Lifestyle Quick Tips

Remote working jobs: how to make sure they live up to their promises

In our post-COVID world, it’s hard to remember a time when video calls and hand gel weren’t a part of our daily lives. Many of us rightly associate a boom in remote work with the necessities of the pandemic, but even before COVID changed life as we know it, remote work was beginning to take off in a big way.

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From paper to iMindMap to AI – the continued evolution of mind mapping image
4 mins

AI Ayoa Mind Mapping

From paper to iMindMap to AI – the continued evolution of mind mapping

Mind maps, mind maps, mind maps. Sometimes known as a brainstorm or spider diagrams, the mind map is one of the world’s most famous visual thinking tools. Whether you’re familiar with the term or not, you’ve more than likely created something like a mind map to generate ideas.

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A new dawn for tech – humanity, AI & the metaverse image
4 mins

AI Ayoa Lifestyle

A new dawn for tech – humanity, AI & the metaverse

Once upon a time artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual realities were relegated to the dog-eared pages of sci-fi paperbacks. They existed only in fantasy – seemed to occupy the futuristic space of flying cars and holograms. But today… not so much.

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The biggest challenges to organisations in 2022 image
4 mins

Ayoa Quick Tips

The biggest challenges to organisations in 2022

2022 is in full swing, but what will be the biggest challenges facing organisations this year? In our fast-changing world and ever-progressing business environment, staying ahead of the curve can feel like a full time job.

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Keeping it real: embracing virtual improvements for the real-life aims of business success image
5 mins

Ayoa Quick Tips

Keeping it real: embracing virtual improvements for the real-life aims of business success

The home office has become a fixture of working during the pandemic. More people than ever before are…

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Rekindling the creative sparks of teams in 2022 image
4 mins

Quick Tips Success

Rekindling the creative sparks of teams in 2022

2022 is officially here and in full swing! As such, there’s no better time to take stock and create new, positive habits. It’s hard to believe that most of us have almost lived through two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, a global event which has changed the nature of teamwork in ways we never could have foreseen.

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Why neuro-inclusive workplaces are beneficial for everyone image
3 mins


Why neuro-inclusive workplaces are beneficial for everyone

In matters of workplace diversity and innovation, neuro-inclusivity is often overlooked or forgotten. For those not familiar with the term, neuro-inclusivity refers to a workplace where employees with a range of neurological differences are accepted and integrated into daily working life.

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Drive your marketing campaign with mind maps image
4 mins

Quick Tips

Drive your marketing campaign with mind maps

In our digital age, marketing has become more agile and multi-faceted than ever before. From social media to copywriting to email campaigns – and much more in between – running a single and effective campaign is more exciting (and more daunting!) than it was in decades past.

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Artificial Intelligence – a beginning rather than an end image
3 mins

AI Ayoa Lifestyle

Artificial Intelligence – a beginning rather than an end

There was a time when our understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) was solely informed by science fiction. From dystopian futures to sci-fi adventures, we couldn’t have foreseen how useful AI would be to us in the future.

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Discover The Genius Way to Mind Map image
3 mins

Ayoa Quick Tips Video

Discover The Genius Way to Mind Map

Ideas can be hard to get off the ground. Sure, after the first few appear, things pick up and the ideas start rolling – but how do you get things going when you’re drawing a blank? If you’ve ever had a group brainstorming session which picked up just as the meeting came to an end, you’ll know what I’m talking about.

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Tips for creating a more inclusive workplace image
3 mins


Tips for creating a more inclusive workplace

Work teams are at their best when everyone feels comfortable. Making your workplace more inclusive is a great and important way of empowering your employees so that everyone feels comfortable and able to work at their best.

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