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January 1, 2017

7 everyday challenges Mind Mapping can help you to overcome

by Rachel Pewsey posted in Lifestyle.

Ayoa | 7 everyday challenges Mind Mapping can help you to overcome
Mind Mapping can be applied to any task to help you think with clarity and boost your understanding and performance. When you use Mind Maps on a daily basis, you will find that your life becomes more productive, creative and stress-free on every level.

The number of uses Mind Mapping has are endless. Here are seven everyday challenges that Mind Mapping can help you to overcome.

1. Remember every detail

If you’re struggling to remember key information, useful ideas and important facts, try using a Mind Map to give your memory a boost. Through the use of short, memorable keywords, Mind Maps chunk information into core themes, which trigger connections in the brain to help you remember more. To recall specific pieces of information in your Mind Map, make them stand out using colour. Changing the colour of the branches links the visual with the logical and creates mental shortcuts to boost your memory. Adding images will also improve your ability to recall information. They’re processed instantly by the brain, so you’re more likely to remember them than long sentences. Personalising your Mind Maps with images and colours strengthens your connection with its content to help you remember every detail.

2. Make sense of information overload

Do you ever feel like you’re taking in so much information that you have no way to make sense of it all? Using one keyword per branch, Mind Maps capture only the most important details, allowing you to consolidate large amounts of information into concise, clear notes. A Mind Map reduces reams of material into a single page, keeping all of your thoughts together. With a clear overview of your notes, at a glance, you can see connections between topics, facts and ideas. Having one visual resource to refer to makes managing large amounts of information easy.

Ayoa mind mapping

Tip: Using Ayoa, you can attach files, videos, documents and web links to your Mind Map creations. The ability to insert items allows you to flesh out your Mind Maps and explore a topic in further detail, without the clutter. The additional information remains under the surface, so you can think clearly and freely.

3. Make smarter decisions

Are you facing a problem and not sure which option to take to overcome it? Try using the main branches of a Mind Map to identify the different options available and explore the possibilities of each option with sub-branches. Mapping out your options using keywords will trigger associations in your brain and spark further ideas. This will enable you to analyse each option thoroughly and set yourself up for making the best decision based on all of the facts. As your brain works creatively towards a solution, drawing out new ideas, you’ll start to look at your problem from different angles. You might even discover new information that wasn’t clear at first.

4. Take control of your workload

When it seems like there aren’t enough hours in the day, try using Mind Maps to streamline your tasks. Mind Maps are the perfect tool for planning events, meetings, projects or even your daily to-do list, however big or small. It will take no time at all to draw up a quick Mind Map and it will save you a lot of time later on. In fact, Mind Mapping is proven to improve productivity by 20%. Use keywords to convey the names of those involved, deadlines or actions and prioritise tasks by colour coding your branches. One look at your Mind Map will give you a clear perspective of what you need to accomplish. Having a bird’s eye view of the relevant information makes it easy to coordinate an array of tasks. Any scheduling overlaps or missing resources are immediately visible using a Mind Map, so you can avoid setbacks and conquer your to-do list on time. Learn more about how Mind Mapping can help you to get a grip on your workload.

Tip: Ayoa offers an efficient way to manage your workload. Using intuitive and time-saving integrations with popular desktop tools, it’s easy to save and share your Mind Maps and access them on the go. Rest assured that you’ll never experience preventable delays or setbacks again.

5. Present with style

Anyone who’s ever given a presentation in front of an audience will know the importance of planning and preparation. By creating a Mind Map to plan your presentation, you’re able to generate more ideas, so you can be sure that your topic is explained thoroughly and your argument is strong. Mapping out your plan in a radiant Mind Map format makes it easy to see the structure of your presentation, helping you make a clear plan for your introduction, key points and conclusion. Mind Mapping focuses your mind on the key information, making you less likely to go off topic or start rambling. With a thorough presentation prepared you can concentrate your efforts on a strong delivery.

Ayoa mind mapping

Tip: Design and deliver stunning presentations with Ayoa Mind Maps. It’s bursting with tools to help you to create and deliver memorable content. Plus, a Mind Map’s combination of keywords, colour and visual elements are proven to increase recall, so your audience is more likely to remember what you’re telling them after they’ve left your presentation.

6. Stay on track with your goals

Do you sometimes feel like you’re working hard to achieve something but never seem to get anywhere? One of the key reasons why we fall off track with our goals is because we forget about the big picture. Mind Mapping your short and long term goals will give you a clear overview of your long term vision, and drill down into the details of your short term targets. It’s clear to see how your short term goals will have an effect in the long term at just a glance, so you don’t lose sight of your vision. Consolidate your goals for the next few days, weeks, months or even years to come on one single sheet to track your progress. When you feel overwhelmed you can look back at the map to remind yourself of what’s important and help you to prioritise.

7. Stop time-wasting meetings

Unproductive and ill-planned meetings can waste more time than they’re worth. Before the meeting, put together a Mind Map of the agenda and distribute it to your team, this will ensure that the focus and objectives of your meeting are clear to everyone involved. It also shows your team that there is a set plan, so they know that their valuable time is being spent productively.

During the meeting, keep your Mind Map agenda in front of you. Its radiant layout provides a pre-structured framework, so you can explore each objective without getting lost in the details and wavering off track. Record the meeting minutes directly on to your Mind Map, noting the main points. Its radiant structure means you’re also able to maintain coherent notes even when the discussion jumps between topics. As you go along, add a branch to represent an action that needs to be taken to achieve each objective. After the meeting, you’ll have a clear breakdown of the agenda, notes and actions to be taken on one useful page.

In this article, you have discovered how integrating Mind Maps into your daily routine will help you to think clearly and boost your understanding and performance when carrying out a variety of tasks, from note taking to meeting planning.

Start your free trial of Ayoa today, and achieve maximum productivity and creativity when you’re tackling your everyday challenges.

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